ICG UK completes change management role for a pharmaceutical business.

ICG was retained to work with the Leadership Team and Board of a new client on a strategic engagement process with partners ahead of a transformation into a limited company, and subsequent fundraising for growth.

ICG assisted as HR change managers, working towards transitioning partners to become employees.  The change management process involving understand the needs of partners, ensuring these objectives could be met and discussing remuneration changes. The project success criteria was the successful transition of all partners to employees. Additional work won included the detailed design of remuneration models for each partner.

Expertise applied to detail remuneration models and a humanistic change management process (through 1;1’s and leadership working sessions) ensured the success of the consulting engagement.


GONG 059–ICG wins critical NSW Government Project

Governments across Australia have severely cut back on consulting spend. In this environment ICG was asked to provide a world class team to develop a Technology Operating Model for a critical new Government operation.

ICG Ranked by the Financial Times

The purpose of this GONG is to advise you of an exciting accolade for our UK colleagues based on the most recent annual Financial Times survey of consulting firms and platforms.

Some exciting news for ICG North America!

The purpose of this GONG is to advise you of some exciting news for ICG in the US and Canada.
In the next few weeks, we will be launching a new initiative with a large professional services firm providing resources for their advisory efforts in the USA.