ICG Webinar -Scenario Planning in COVID Times – A Strategic Planning Tool

COVID-19 is having a significant impact on organisations. The recent resurgence of cases underscores that it will continue to exert pressure well into the future. Organisations need to strategically plan for potential scenarios to ensure their survival, competitive position, and ability to govern.

Next week, we will host our ICG NZ CEO, Marc Potter.

Marc has been a senior partner level consultant for almost 30 years and has successfully facilitated countless scenario planning engagements during his career.

Scenario planning is a strategic planning tool used when the future outlook is long term or there is a great deal of uncertainty about the future context and drivers.  Marc will use a recent client case study to illustrate a three-stage process:  discovery about what will drive the future and the context that matters to the client, collaborative scenario building that creates buy-in and asks participants to suspend their pre-conceived ideas about the future, using scenarios to develop near-term plans for business development and capability building.

Complimentary webinars

You are invited to attend the third session of our series on Tuesday 8/9/2020.

Date    Tuesday 8/9/2020

3pm Singapore, Hong Kong and China
2 pm Indonesia & Vietnam
12:30 pm India (East)
8 am London
5 pm Sydney
7 pm Auckland

“Scenario Planning in COVID Times”

Marc Potter – CEO – ICG New Zealand

Click here to register


GONG 059–ICG wins critical NSW Government Project

Governments across Australia have severely cut back on consulting spend. In this environment ICG was asked to provide a world class team to develop a Technology Operating Model for a critical new Government operation.

ICG Ranked by the Financial Times

The purpose of this GONG is to advise you of an exciting accolade for our UK colleagues based on the most recent annual Financial Times survey of consulting firms and platforms.

Some exciting news for ICG North America!

The purpose of this GONG is to advise you of some exciting news for ICG in the US and Canada.
In the next few weeks, we will be launching a new initiative with a large professional services firm providing resources for their advisory efforts in the USA.