The Insights Review is a time-saving resource for executives and consultants wishing to stay abreast of the latest insights across the world of financial services.
A message from the editor
My theme this month is how augmenting your internal resources with the right expert(s) can transform your internal team from the B-team to the A-team. Time and time again, we see clients forcing their internal resources to do the best they can with no external help, then splurging on a branded consulting solution which does not engage well with their troops and burns the whole annual budget in one phase. Smarter clients are realising that carefully augmenting existing teams with capacity or expertise or a blend in a judicious way will really boost morale and get a A-team result, whilst ensuring budget is well spent throughout the year. If you want to try this new agile approach to consulting, please contact your nearest ICG hub.
This month we save you and your teams days of reading to bring you snappy reviews of the best of the best from across the global consulting industry. This month’s best insight was reviewed by Michael Roch, Co-founder of ICG’s European hub. Michael’s review of the excellent Bain article Large-Scale M&A: Capturing Value Demands Flawless Integration is well worth a read, as of course is the article itself. Congratulations to Michael and the authors from Bain.
Happy internal consulting!
David Moloney
Global Editor