The Insights Review is a time-saving resource for executives and consultants wishing to stay abreast of the latest insights across the world of financial services.
A message from the editor
Reading the articles and our expert’s reviews this month it again struck me that the level of change in our clients has risen to a level where the notion of Business As Usual (BAU) no longer applies. Instead, at ICG we use the term Transformation As Usual (TAU) – this calls for a change in tempo and business dynamism that rarely exists. If your business is struggling or your transformation efforts are underdelivering please call one of our partners at your closest hub for a confidential conversation.
I am pleased to announce our reviewer of the month as Peter Dale from our London HUB who reviewed an excellent article from McKinsey on how to achieve improvements in productivity in the Insurance industry: The Productivity Imperative in Insurance – McKinsey.
Happy internal consulting,
David Moloney
Global Editor