WEBINARS-005: Join us today! ICG Webinar–ICG Launches Permanent Search for its consultants and clients globally–Join webinar to learn how to monetise permanent placement opportunities

Author: David Moloney, Deon Haar and Gary Banks

ICG’s Global partners are delighted to announce the launch to our consultant base ahead of a client launch.

This notice and impending webinar are designed to help you understand the depth and breadth of this exciting and natural addition to the ICG Global platform.

ICG Search is a proven capability that has actually been assisting ICG behind the scenes on difficult-to-fulfill GIGs for the past several years, and the success of their efforts now warrants elevation to a complete end-to-end resourcing proposition to our consultants and clients.

Like all ICG platform resources this capability is available as a retail and wholesale proposition. ICG wholesale to recruit to your boutique and use ICG retail to sell permanent full time and permanent part-time resources to your clients (at almost any level!)

Many times, when presenting the ICG proposition, clients tell us that don’t have budget for consultants but have unfilled FTE positions. We have previously responded with: “Can you deploy your unused FTE budget into contract consulting?”. Sometimes this is possible, sometimes not. When it is not, ICG Search is the answer to help your clients and monetise the opportunity for your boutique.

Similarly, our clients often say, “My HR team hasn’t been able to find the right full-time resource, can ICG help?” Well now you can.

We congratulate the ICG Search team on their success and encourage all independent consultants to make the most of their network and monestise these opportunities to continually add value to your critical client relationships through the global ICG platform.

Download the Consultant Briefing Document on ICG Search

To get ‘free’ hands-on help converting an opportunity, contact your closest ICG HUB CEO for more details:

ICG Asia:    Dr. Wade Azmy [email protected]

ICG AUS:    David Moloney [email protected]

ICG NA:      Gerry Purcell [email protected]

ICG NZ:       Marc Potter [email protected]

ICG UK/Europe: Jonathan Mindell [email protected]

Contact Gary and Deon to book 1 on 1 sales tutorials 

ICG Search: Gary Banks [email protected]

ICG Search: Deon Haar [email protected]

Webinar recordings will be available shortly after. Stay tuned for updates

Webinar recording

