ICG IN THE MEDIA: Australian Financial Review: ICG provides meaningful additions to consulting firms’ COVID-19 frameworks

ARTICLE TITLE: ‘McKinsey, BCG and Bain advice on surviving COVID-19′

Publication Name: Australian Financial Review

Date: 5/5/2020

Author: Edmund Tadros

Summary of Article: David Moloney (Founder) and Greg Barnier (Practice Leader, Human Capital) provide meaningful and value added deep insight and add-ons to generic consulting COVID-19 frameworks.

While the top-tier strategy consulting houses McKinsey, Bain and BCG all recommend that companies adopt a staged plan for getting through the COVID-19 downturn, David Moloney and Greg Barnier have provided deep and meaningful insight into some of the real and practical challenges companies will face and recommended actions.


This insight comes from their deep experience in assisting our clients through other major events and downturns and also their deep discussions of what our clients are currently going through.

To view the article please see the link below and make sure you contact [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.

