Consultant Gig #992–Australia Wide–ICG Senior Advisors (Remunerated position)

ICG’s business model witnessed significant growth in 2024 having now worked across over 2000 projects in over 20 countries for over 250 clients. To expand on this success, ICG wishes to replicate a success model from the major branded firms and retain a highly curated cadre of senior advisors.

These roles are designed for the most senior portfolio career executives, typically after they have left full time employment. Senior advisors will have large professional networks, 25-30 years of experience in CXO, CEO and Board level roles, and will be recognised as performance transformation agents and/or experts in their field.

These senior professionals are often aware of potential opportunities and play a role

helping incumbent executives identify relevant sources of high calibre consulting talent. ICG plays a critical role helping clients with both traditional project/case team solutions, but also provides unbundled, contract consultants who work autonomously under the client’s brand in roles ranging from interim relief to senior individual consulting roles.


Because of the critical revenue generating role played by Senior Advisor’s, ICG is also paying a spotter’s fee of 5% of generated revenues to the person who introduces successful senior advisors to the platform. This fee will be paid quarterly for their first eighteen months of all involved revenues across the world

  • Support ICG’s local and global growth aspirations
  • Refer relevant feasible project and contract consultant opportunities to ICG
  • Refer other Senior Advisors
  • Represent ICG in selected marketing, bid, and proposal work (Optional, and where not conflicted)
  • Minimally support occasional projects as a senior expert panel member (Optional, and where not conflicted)
  • Play a Senior Relationship Manager role (where warranted and desired by the Advisor and Client) 

Key Deliverables:

  • Share curated referral opportunities with your closest ICG HUB
  • Assist with guidance and support to land the opportunity (Where not conflicted)

Skills and experience required:

Have reached C-suite, CEO, or board level positions
Seen as a ‘connector’ or playing a ‘hub’ role in their personal professional network
Professional engagement with Boards, CEOs, and key CXO, transformation, EPMO, and PMO roles


Start date: Immediate Duration: Ongoing

Location:  Australia Wide

Rate: The successful senior advisors will earn 15% of phase 1 revenues and 13.5% of phase 2 and 10.8% of phase 3 and so on for each stream of work identified at each client. Each stream will start with 15%. Spotter’s will be recorded against each senior advisor, and any revenues generated by the senior advisor will result in a bonus payment of 5% of revenues (ex GST and expenses) being paid to the spotter upon completion of each project billing cycle.

Application Close date: No later than Thursday 16th 2025, 12-noon



Consultant Gig #984–SYDNEY–Govt–IT Service & Process Design Lead

An ICG client is looking for an IT service and process design lead consultant (senior consultant/manager level) to include in a tender for the development of a technology services target operating model, transitional implementation planning, and business readiness preparations for a government client.

Consultant Gig #983–SYDNEY–Govt–Org Design/ Change Consultant

An ICG client is looking for an org design/ change consultant (senior consultant/manager level) to include in a tender for the development of a technology services target operating model, transitional implementation planning, and business readiness preparations for a government client.