The Insights Review | June 2019

Download The Insights Review | June 2019 Edition

The Insights Review is a time-saving resource for executives and consultants wishing to stay abreast of the latest insights across the world of financial services.

A message from the editor

My theme for this month is how our leading clients do their homework properly before embarking on a significant project. They assemble the best available internal resources, then do a short, sharp scoping study with one consulting partner level resource from ICG – this step effectively brings a project architect in-house and helps our clients to get the problem definition really sound before they issue an RFP. Through this process, a growing proportion also realize they can lead the work themselves rather than use an expensive branded firm, and then supplement their team with proven professional consultants from ICG.

Our Article of the Month – Pursuing cybersecurity maturity at financial institutions by Deloitte – was reviewed by Michael Trovato who leads our Global Cyber Security practice – to contact Michael on this article or any issue relating to Cyber Security please contact him at [email protected]. My thanks to Michael, and congratulations to the team at Deloitte.

Happy internal consulting,

David Moloney
Global Editor

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Complimentary Webinar with Daryl Dunbar

ICG Asia would like to introduce our Practice for Data Center Advisory led by Daryl Dunbar. Join our webinar series, ICG@work, on Thursday 10/3/2022, to learn about ICG Practice for Data Center Advisory and our frameworks to address future challenges.

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Complimentary Webinar with Paul Merrick

ICG Global Partners would like to introduce our Global Practice for Supply Chain Management led by our Partner: Paul Merrick. Join our webinar series, ICG@work, on Thursday 14/10/2021, to learn about ICG Global Practice for Supply Change Management and our frameworks to address future challenges.

The Insights Review | September 2021

One of the world’s leading resources for finding out what you need to know before embarking on almost any type of strategic project or change initiative.

Complimentary Webinar with Tim House

ICG Global Partners would like to introduce our newly formed Global Practice for Sustainability & ESG led by our Global Partner, Tim House. Join our webinar series, ICG@work, on Thursday 23/9, to learn about ICG Global Practice for Sustainability/ESG and  our frameworks to address future challenges.  

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One of the world’s leading resources for finding out what you need to know before embarking on almost any type of strategic project or change initiative.

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One of the world’s leading resources for finding out what you need to know before embarking on almost any type of strategic project or change initiative.