The Insights Review is a time-saving resource for executives and consultants wishing to stay abreast of the latest insights across the world of financial services.
A message from the editor
My theme this month is digital duality: how do incumbents best build digital twins of themselves so they can understand the art of the possible, and then blueprint a path of digitization and digital disruption of their own business that optimizes along the adoption curve driven by them or others? These steps in strategy planning are essential; if your organization does not have them in place, we suggest you contact your nearest ICG HUB for assistance.
Article of the Month: Global Retail Banking 2019: The Race for Relevance & Scale – BCG
On the theme of digital duality, Julian Cappe is our reviewer of the month again for his review of BCG’s excellent article on the evolution of digital business model in banking. These stacked ecosystem-based models are equally applicable in other industries, so this is essential reading for all of our readers. Our congratulations to Julian, who can be contacted on [email protected], and of course to the team at BCG.
Happy internal consulting,
David Moloney
Global Editor